We are a big family
working together

We feel truly connected
to the land we farm

We know that only unique places
can make unique products

What we do

Pachamama Farms is dedicated to research, development,
producing, packing and exporting high quality exotic
fruits and vegetables from Perú. Every year, our fruits has
recognited with the best quality standards in Europe.

Pachamama = PACHA (mundo o tierra) + MAMA (madre).
Talk about our respect for the earth and the products that we get from her

background fruits and products we sell || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_peru_assets/4.jpgbackground fruits and products that we sell to show in responsive version || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_peru_assets/mobile4.jpg

We work everyday to bring
unforgetable fruits

background fruits and products we sell || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_peru_assets/5.jpgbackground fruits and products that we sell to show in responsive version || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_peru_assets/mobile5.jpg

We work everyday to bring
unforgetable fruits

background fruits and products we sell || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_peru_assets/6.jpg background fruits and products that we sell to show in responsive version || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_peru_assets/mobile6.jpg

We work everyday to bring
unforgetable fruits

instalaciones y trabajadores de fincas pachamama cultivando frutas de calidad || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_peru
instalaciones y trabajadores de fincas pachamama cultivando frutas de calidad || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_peru

Packhouse 1/2

Ilustración con información sobre los 7000 metros cuadrados de fincas de pachamama donde se cultivan las mejores frutas del Perú.
calendar showing the months in which all fruits are grown || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_peru_calendar.pngseasonal calendar where all fruits are grown || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_peru_CalendarInfo.png responsive crop calendar

Our commitment

We are not only committed to bring the best fruits to your table,
we are also convinced that our work must generate a positive
impact both for the environment and for the communities around
us. In that way it is of vital importance for us share our culture
with our partners, collaborators, and customers.

logos of the partners and clients that collaborate with Pachamama Farms || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_peru_logosCompromise.png
instalaciones y trabajadores de fincas pachamama cultivando frutas de calidad || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_peru
instalaciones y trabajadores de fincas pachamama cultivando frutas de calidad || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_peru
instalaciones y trabajadores de fincas pachamama cultivando frutas de calidad || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_peru

Kent mangos 1/3

Ilustración con información sobre los 7000 metros cuadrados de fincas de pachamama donde se cultivan las mejores frutas del Perú.
worker carrying fruits while working || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_peru_7.pngworker carrying fruits while working  || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_peru_mobile7.jpg

We’re conviced that
people makes the difference

Female worker checking the quality of fruits. || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_8.jpgFemale worker checking the quality of fruits. || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_mobile8.jpg

We’re conviced that
people makes the difference

worker collecting fruits from farm fields || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_9.jpgworker collecting fruits from farm fields || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_mobile9.jpg

We’re conviced that
people makes the difference

worker resting after a day of work  || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_10.pngworker resting after a day of work || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_mobile9.jpg

We’re conviced that
people makes the difference

testimonial article where they talk about how we work for and for the environment || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_peru

People are the engine of Pachamama farms

The treatment is horizontal, open and willing because Pachamama is the people who work and live it daily. We know them, and they know us. We are demanding and organized, but here we are all a family.

Amichai Rozenfeld

Cofounder & Ceo

testimonial article where they talk about how we work for and for the environment || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_peru

Innovation is part of the passion for our work.

We are in constant exploration to bring uniqueness to our offer and we have exclusive mango varieties patented by us. Being updated is basic in a market like this that has 20 years without perceiving important changes.

Bruno Tomatis

Commercial Manager

testimonial article where they talk about how we work for and for the environment || pachamama_farms_high_quality_exotic_fruits_vegetables_peru

The difference of Pachamama Farms is the warmth of the work environment.

They really care about the professional development of the people. This is my house, I am happy every day and I feel very comfortable working here

Evelyn Chiquiz

Head of quality & certifications

background of our large fields of crops
icon where we talk about our excellent work team,Certified guarantee,Innovation

Outstanding work team

Experts in the field and excellent people in constant growth with training and upgrade courses and capacitation.

icon where we talk about our excellent work team,Certified guarantee,Innovation

Certified Guarantee

The constant search for quality is at the heart of preocupations, for both costumers and for ourselves.

icon where we talk about our excellent work team,Certified guarantee,Innovation


We innovate and try to improve everyday, looking for new technologies allowing us to reduce the impact on the environment.

icon where we talk about our excellent work team,Certified guarantee,Innovation

Outstanding work team

Experts in the field and excellent people in constant growth with training and upgrade courses and capacitation.

icon where we talk about our excellent work team,Certified guarantee,Innovation

Certified Guarantee

The constant search for quality is at the heart of preocupations, for both costumers and for ourselves.

icon where we talk about our excellent work team,Certified guarantee,Innovation


We innovate and try to improve everyday, looking for new technologies allowing us to reduce the impact on the environment.

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